Is It Time to Ditch the Annual Performance Review?

2021-06-09T06:29:54+00:00June 9th, 2021|Articles|

Does anyone actually like the annual performance review? Reviewers/managers hate doing them, employees do not like receiving them (but also don’t like it if they don’t get regular reviews) and human resources dreads the additional administrative work that comes with them. Each year there are countless articles written about why they should be eliminated, fixed,

Why we hate HR

2021-06-09T06:12:26+00:00June 9th, 2021|Articles|

HR Matters!  Human Resources.  Some people are huge fans. Some find HR a necessary annoyance, and others avoid HR like the plague. In reality, perceptions about HR change depending on what is happening, both internally and externally, at any point in time. Take the past year for example. With the COVID-19 pandemic, HR has stepped

Is Racism Really an Issue in Canada?

2021-06-09T05:57:47+00:00June 9th, 2021|Articles|

The recent events in the US, George Floyd’s death, the protests against racism, followed by similar events in Canada, have led many of us to question what racism actually is, how it shows up and how it impacts our communities and workplaces. Understandably, this is a very difficult conversation to have because Canadians pride ourselves

Human Resources is an organizational function, not just a department!

2020-07-21T05:30:49+00:00July 21st, 2020|Featured|

When I say Human Resources is a function, I mean it is the responsibility of every manager, supervisor, or team leader to undertake the function of human resources management. I can’t tell you how many times I have had a supervisor say to me “I have no time to manage people, there is too much

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